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Location:Home > Products > POGOPIN > Threaded pogopin
Threaded pogopin
Threaded pogopin
Related parameters: Current: 3A Elasticity 70g Working stroke: 1.0 Life: 50000 times pogopin is widely used in
  • Threaded pogopinSeries parameters
  • Head shape
  • Bushing
  • pdf

Related parameters:

Current: 3A

Elasticity 70g

Working stroke: 1.0

Life: 50000 times

pogopin is widely used in

Smart wearable devices: smart bracelets, smart bracelets, pet locators, Bluetooth headsets, smart wristbands, smart shoes, smart clothes, smart glasses, smart school bags, etc.;

Smart homes, smart home appliances, air purifiers, automatic controllers, etc.;

Medical equipment, wireless equipment, data communication equipment, telecommunications equipment, automation and industrial equipment, etc.;

3C consumer products, notebooks, tablet computers, PDAs, handheld data terminals, etc.;

Aviation, aerospace, military communications and military electronics, etc.;

Automobiles, car navigation, test and measurement equipment, etc.;

Dejiabao Electronics welcomes you to consult, customize and purchase our products.

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