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      Professional test probe manufacturer
      Location:Home > Products > ICT / FCT probe > LH-078
      Product introduction: The probe was founded in 1989, specializing in the production of test probes. After years of ups and downs, it has steadily grown into Taiwan's second professional manufacturer of test probes. In order to expand the market, it was established in China in 2008. Shenzhen Dejiabao Electronics Co., Ltd. was established, mainly for integrated production and sales. Designed and developed LH probes based on the corporate tenet of "survive by quality and development by reputation" and professional standards, and the products have unique outstanding results and reviews. Technology has strong professional and competitive capabilities in the country, and has always been a role model in the same industry.
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      ICT has wide application range, high measurement accuracy and clear indication of detected problems. It is a standard test means. Even workers with ordinary electronic technology can easily deal with problematic PCBA. Using ICT can greatly improve production efficiency and reduce production cost.

      ICT test is mainly used to detect the open circuit, short circuit and welding condition of all parts of PCBA through the test point where the test probe contacts the PCB layout. It can be divided into open circuit test, short circuit test, resistance test, capacitance test, diode test, triode test, field effect transistor test IC pin test (testjet ` connect check basic scan BIST) and other general and special components, such as missing installation, wrong installation, parameter value deviation, solder joint continuous welding, circuit board open and short circuit and other faults, and accurately tell the user which component the fault is or which point the open and short circuit is located through the printer or screen display. 



      A:ICT(In-Circuit Test System),中文惯用名为在线测试仪,主要用于组装电路板(PCBA )的测试。这里的“在线”是“In-Circuit ”的直译,主要指元器件在线路上。在线测试是一种不断开电路,不拆下元器件管脚的测试技术,“在线”反映了ICT 重在通过对在线路上的元器件或开短路状态的测试来检测电路板的组装问题。 




      A:根据电路板组装行业的统计数据表明,组装缺陷主要体现在焊接开路、短路、偏移、缺  件等方面,约占90% 以上,因此在线测试技术应用的原则是能够快速检测故障元器件或组装缺陷,并能够准确定位缺陷和缺陷分类。 




      A:电表是用以测量单一零件,而ICT除了可量单一零件外,更可通过针床来测量实板上的 零件。只是实板上有许多回路,易将信号源与以分流、分压,故往往需加“Guarding ”功能,才可使测量准确。 



      ICT测试又为静态测试(不通电),FCT测试又为动态测试(通电),如:测试板Short,FUNCTION测试很容易将元件烧坏,造成不必要的损失,这些不良就要在ICT工站检测出来,ICT工站可以对PCB线路进行检测, ICT能够有效地查找在PCBA组装过程中发生的各种缺陷和故障,但是它不能够评估整个线路板所组成的系统在时钟速度时的性能。而功能测试就可以测试整个系统是否能够实现设计目标,它将线路板上的被测单元作为一个功能体,对其提供输入信号,按照功能体的设计要求检测输出信号。这种测试是为了确保线路板能否按照设计要求正常工作。所以功能测试最简单的方法,是将组装好的某电子设备上的专用线路板连接到该设备的适当电路上,然后加电压,如果设备正常工作,就表明线路板合格。这种方法简单、投资少。这就是PCB做了ICT测试后增加FUNCTION测试工站的最主要原因,任何测试机型都不可能做到百分之100的完整测试,只有ICT和FCT测试工站相结合的测试方案才能最大程度的检测出不良。

      Copyright  Shenzhen dejiabao Electronics Co., Ltd. all rights reserved. Shenzhen dejiabao specializes in providing probes, fixtures, test probes and cleaning agents!  粤ICP备17056631号