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What is the future development trend of the probe?

Time:2019-06-20| Author:

With the development of 5g technology, more and more electronic components will be used in the electronic circuit board industry.

Chip is the most real expression of a country's scientific and technological development level at present. As we all know, China has the largest semiconductor market in the world, and has now jumped to the second largest planned market in the world in the field of integrated circuits. However, at present, except that the share of some integrated circuit products of mobile terminals and network equipment exceeds 10%, Our market share of high-end chips is very small.


In the first half of this year, China has significantly accelerated the development speed and progress of microelectronics, integrated circuits and other products. This is not only from the observation of leaders, but also from the perspective of science and technology enterprises, the investment in chip development is also increasing, including human investment and capital investment. Numerically, the overall investment has increased by 43.6%, Compared with the past, this is actually a qualitative leap

As we all know, in recent years, artificial intelligence technology has been used in many industries, including the chip field. At that time, many enterprises have integrated artificial intelligence elements into their chip development and use fields. However, whether it is CPU, GPU or FPGA at that time, In essence, AI chips can not be regarded as real AI chips. They often can not meet the needs of AI.

The development of chips and the change of architecture represent the innovative situation of a country's scientific and technological effect. Once a breakthrough effect can be achieved in this field, it will drive the significant improvement of the whole national strength. Many industry experts show that we are in the golden stage of processor chip development, so we should seize this market development, Accelerate investment and research efforts, and combine the needs of domestic shopping malls to develop chip products that are truly suitable for the development of domestic shopping malls.


With the continuous development of the chip industry, the accessory industry is also driven by the continuous development. The chip R & D must go through the test stage, and the test will use the probe. It also continuously drives the progress of the probe industry, and the demand is slowly increasing. The development space of the probe in the future is good, at least in recent years.

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